Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Critical Thinking: the key for free and independent life

My thoughts about this video bring me to write about the following fact:

I have been always concerned about the sur-plus and over population of poor people around the world, specially in Africa. I believe that education is the solution to the poor or at least help some how them to have a better life. This is the reason why I didn't like to give money for those over seas none profit organizations with purpose to give a plate of food, instead I am pro-education. These peoples in poverty situation around the world need to be teach to support them selves, to work around their resources, to plant their own food, and to fishing their own fish.

This is a way to sabotage these poor peoples to have their own ideas by brainstorming and to create their own economic system, re-engineering their government and style of life.

We need to teaching them skills to survive for themselves. Not by provide them with food and clothing for free when we work hard hours, they get everything easily and free they are going to get the lesson. We are going to be slaves of the poor around the world? Who create this problem? Not successful prof of these none profit organizations for over 30 years have been cut the poverty problem around the world. Instead, if more children are born in poverty every day. The ignorance is making them selves even more poor, the lack of knowledge about economy and cost of life make them be reproduce on poor family over 5 kids when one rich family may have only 1 or 2 kids.

What is the responsibility of us to work for them? I like to help but refuse to help unconcern people that they think they have the right to bring more children in poor conditions and around a sick environment. The Global World is going to be over populated by these people not healthy and they will point in the government and the educated people about their own decisions and situations. The government around the world must regulate that a poor family can only have certain quantity of children 1 or 2 or none depending of their economical situations. Poor men must be operated to do not reproduce more children, because the excuse is that they don't have money to pay for Anti conceptive pills or injections, perhaps the government should operate them for free.

If these none-profit organizations didn't teach them to go fishing their own fish and plant their own food, we will see these poor demographic people grow more and more over populating the world creating a big economical, sociological and political crisis.

The solution is education and government control of reproduction of poor people by free Anti conceptive by provide them with free operations for men first then women. Instead of free food and clothing that is not prove of solution of any problem in over 30 years. Just increase the over population of poor people we don't go anywhere. The governments around the world must create a effective solution by provide the poor with free medical treatment to reduce the reproduction of their poor families. Again, when a poor family have sometimes even 10 children a rich family will have 1 or 2. Making these rich families work and be slaves for the poor because later on these children will point in the richest the fault of them to be poor and accusing the richest and the governments of their own poor situations.

Education is the solution by teaching them basic economics that can clear them the reason why they keep going increasing their lack of good life situation is not lack of opportunities is many people in one household to feed, to dress, is less resources economics to divided make them poor. But, if the government take control about their reproduction by economic factor in how many children they can provide with food, shelter and clothing, they will be allow to obtain free medical treatment to stop reproducing more children starting with men, and I say that because those men have children with not one women but with many women. By multiplying one man reproducing 5 women and these women have 10 poor children in 30 years or less the Global economic will have a big human war because these children in the middle of their ignorance will create gangs groups, possible terrorist groups and point in the educate population of their situation.

This is my critical thinking about the reproductive in mass of poor people around the world, that is a real problem that must be addressed at the United Nations.

The Governments must create a Global organization or institution for the population control. I believe this will create a better life for them and for everybody. Less people to feed, more resources for them to get a better education per capital per family.

Rochelle Miller, MBA

Sunday, November 28, 2010

A reflection tough in Global & Personal Economy

I am reading this weekend a bunch of books in Global Economy and Globalization in General.

Open this book "From Third World to World Class" just reading the first page that my fingers toke, and find out this interesting though to think about it. We can apply this to our personal life, personal economy and work on it.

"From the earliest time of which we have record - back, say, to two thousand years before Christ - down to the beginning of the 18th century, there was no very great change in the standard life of the average man living in civilised centres of the earth. Ups and downs certainly. Visitation of plague, famine, and war. Golden intervals. But no progressive, violent change.... This slow rate of progress, or lack of progress, was due to two reasons - to the remarkable absence of technical improvements and to the failure of capital to accumulate."
John Maynard Keynes
Essays in Persuasion (1930)

My toughs on this post is that the major point are two things: technical advance meaning we need to be upgrading our style to do a particular job, work or in our personal life too, by improving our standards of life, as well as, we must have the principle and practice of accumulation of capital, in personal finance will be the improve or create a sense of discipline for save money.

This is my reflection for this week.

Have a great and success week.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Maximizing the success of retention in international assignees

Week 14: Unit 14: Maximizing the success of retention in international assignees

Chapter 14: Maximizing the success of retention in international assignees
Textbook: Going Global by Lundby, Kyle, (Ed.). (2010)

Summary by Rochelle I Alvarado Miller, MBA, and current student of Master in Science with Specialization in Training and Development.

Organizations are using international assignees as strategic resource. The HR department is managing the international assignee to do an excellent job by preparing these employees through the beginning of the process: selection, preparing, training and assignee performance management.

The benefits and challenges of international assignments for individuals and organizations:

International or overseas positions are positions challenge to fill out. Edström and Galbraith (1977) identified three principal motives for the global transfer of managers; the first is a position that can not be filled locally because of lack of technical or managerial skills. The second reason is support the organizational development with refer to coordinate and controlling the international operations through social and informal networks. And the third reason is to support management development by enabling high-potential individuals to acquire international experience. These are benefits of international assignees clearly.

According by Caligiuri’s taxonomy (1999), all international assignments vary along two dimensions: 1. the extent to which the assignment will require intercultural competence, and 2. the extent to which the assignment is intended to be developmental, enhancing skills for the employee and, in turn, the organization. The international assignment fall into four major categories: technical assignments, functional-tactical assignments, developmental-high-potential assignments, strategic-executive assignments.

Some challenges that may be facing organization with international assignments include cross-cultural adjustment, underperformance, career derailment, and high cost to the company due to an unsuccessful assignee or mismanaged repatriation.

It is very important when selecting the right candidate to be assessment correctly in order to avoid a failed assignment, poor job performance, early repatriation, and emotional problems including in some case personal problems like with the family adaptability. Some of these practice to select international assignees, are emerged in two areas, one include the individual level antecedents of international assignee success including personality characteristics, language skills, prior experience of living in a different country, and the family situation. The second includes the practice for effectively selecting international assignees, such as realistic previews, self-selection, and assessment.

In the individual antecedents including the personality characteristics, researchers found that this individuals share similar personality traits. The research has found that five factors are: extroversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, openness or intellect. In language skills is depending of the position, some are more critical than others. The cross-cultural adjustment also is easy for those that have prior international experience.

Compensation of international assignees is very important. Traditionally the compensation was primarily “a mechanism to calculate differentials and bonuses aimed at promoting international mobility and guaranteeing equity.” (Bonache & Fernandez, 1997) The discourse about it was to use the compensation as instrument that guide behavior in order to achieve corporate objectives.

In other instance, nationals from the host-country received lower levels of compensation than expatriates working alongside them, even if they are similarly qualified and working in similar or identical jobs. (Bonache et al., 2009)

A frustration in local employees is obvious when these types of differences are noticed. The perception in these large pay gaps lead to perception of injustice. The results are impacted in the local employees with low performance, attitude, low morale, absenteeism, and turnover.

Employees in career progression upon repatriation are subject to large investment to develop, maintain, and transfer by the company as international assignees. Loosing them are resulting a large cost and can affect the firm’s bottom line. Perhaps, by loosing one of these employees is providing an advantage to direct competitors, because is providing the competence with valuable human assets.

Perhaps, the organizations today are facing the challenge of ways to predict repatriate retention and lower their turnover. The facts that can affect these employees repatriate are placed them in unchallenging jobs, lack of promotion opportunities, loss of status and autonomy, lack of career planning and counseling, lack of support on behalf of managers and colleagues, and sluggish career advancement. How ever, the most important factor is how the firms managed their repatriation process according by Feldman & Thompson, 1993.

The future of strategic alignment and expatriated management practices is based on Adler and Ghadar, 1990; “international assignee management practices, namely who the firm considers as possible international assignees, how the firm selects and trains them, what criteria the firms uses to assess their performance, and what impact the international experience has on the careers of international assignees, should all fit the external environment in which the firm operates, as well as its strategic intent.”

In Conclusion: For the next generation of broader leadership development and talent management, HR will face the international assignee management practices where they will performance and development employees on international assignee assignments to ensure that the organization have the right people, in the right place at the right time.

This field of international assignee management is changing rapidly, perhaps, more industrial/organizational psychologist are becoming involved with the selection, training, development, and succession of international assignees. The time is right for the involvement of the science and practice of I/O psychologist and their integration with strategic international mobility because it is helping the speed of globalization to put these professionals of psychology in the Global work to integrate their professionalism strategically with HR partners.

Monday, November 15, 2010

A Tale of Power & Vision

The future is today, the future is in you. Inside of your mind, ideas, bring it up!!
Creativity to have vision to get the power.
Sharing this short video. Now where are you?? in the impossible side or in the "the sky is the limit"!!
Have a great week.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

My quote of the week: Think Big!!

"Think Big" phrase I had been written in many of my stuff and posted in my office when I was working for the US Army South in Panama in 106th Signal Brigade, 56th Signal Battalion, when I read Donald Trump first book.
And I after that job, I was working for Panama Canal Commission at Information Management Bureau, Software Engineering Division, bring with me the same enthusiasm and ambition as well as the same quote. The same year, I scored a straight A in my Master in Business Administration MBA with Specialization in Marketing at Latina University of Panama.
Later on, in 2000 I moved to Texas; where I married my sweet hearth for three years (since 1997) Robert Johnson. As life is gone round and round, I get divorced and still live in Texas. Now, see the opportunity to enrich my self and others as Spanish Teacher. Have this great ambitions and vision, to integrate my past education, experience and current framework to build a successful career in the Education field. I am current student at Texas A&M University where I am searching to obtain a Master in Science in Education with Specialization in Training and Development with a parallel certification in Business Teaching.

I am sharing today my weekly quote, and I selected from the man that inspired me in the past and continuing inspired me, Donald Trump.
I get this quote from the first book I read from Donald Trump life, and it impact me how he did it with perseverance and ambitious, so I get motivated even more in my personal ambitious that I already have since I read John D. Rockefeller life book at 13 years old. I started read motivational books and successful peoples books since I was a teen. Sadly I live around older neighborhood but fortunately I pick the books of my daddy and read a lot, to building whom I am.

So starting this week and the rest of the year and your life....

"Think Big" by Donald Trump

Have a great week,

Donald Trump Goes on an Adventure in Panama

For more information click in this link below:
Donald Trump Goes on an Adventure in Panama

Or simply go to the Trump web site link:

My Strategy to propose to advance andragogical concepts using internet for adults learners

Hi, I would like to share with you my propose and resume of Chapter 11 in the book "The Adult Learner"
I am Spanish Teacher Certify by the State of Texas, and I am working in my Master in Education with Specialization in Training and Development at Texas A&M University.

By: Rochelle Miller, MBA
TAMU - Online Class Class Theories of Adult Learning
Book: The Adult Learner
Author: Malcolm S. Knowles, Elwood F. Holton III, and Richard A. Swanson

Unit 12 Discussion
Discuss a specific strategy you would propose to advance andragogical concepts in the context of adults using the Internet for learning purposes:

Using the internet for learning purpose is a real challenge in the context of adult learning. Because, the self discipline; however, the internet make easily and friendly the self-directed learning environment with proper instructions.
Creating and strategy to propose advance andragogical concepts in the context of adults using the internet is depending on the adult that select this method of learning.
My strategy will be:
1. Continuing using current online environment.
2. Continuing using tools for research we have in place.
3. Analyzed if the adult is capable and have the skills to internet learning environment and recommend that person to get training and create a particular/personal agenda where will be setting up daily responsibilities to study as self-independent person and connect with others class mates through the web site.
4. Add an application where students can be more visible and interacting in a daily way. Like Facebook as social media, I will suggest the University to create something like Facebook for educational purpose. And the interaction will be only for those students register in this particular class. An example should be: “Theories of Adult Learning Facebook” where only the students in this class will interact with the professor or moderator. This way will be security where no one other than these class attending this course can do post in the wall or see this class post at all. The idea is to force the adult to interact in a daily fashion posting their ideas, even though we have this in our discussion link/section, I think will be more attractive to the learner to facilitate the internet environment from social to educational. Also, we always have to post links, and in this way we can have access to post the link directly in a post for links, pictures and more. The idea with this is to prepare the adult learning environment with real life and with what we have outside in the cyber space. The Discussion session we currently have is only expression in worlds, but we need to integrate the fact that some learners need visuals, as well as audio, and worlds. Using the Bloom’s Taxonomy.

I believe the current technology is facilitating correctly the adult perception of self-learners. But, as I suggested in my point 4, we need to bring more visuals interactions to reach those students that learn visually. Using a Facebook style of interaction in the Discussion panel can cover this section according by Bloom’s Taxonomy.

By Rochelle Miller, MBA
Master in Education with Specialization in Training and Development Student
Texas A&M University

I also would like to share my resume of Ch 11 from this Book cite above. This way should be easily for the lectures to understand where I came from.

Ch 11 – The Future of Andragogy

We understand that Andragogy have been in study long ago; however, the opportunities for research and practice is a bigger field. The concept and philosophy of Andragogy have different connotations depending of the country. We observed that in United States, Andragogy is link to Malcolm Knowles research, instead in other countries in Europe is linked with other authors in example Reischmann. In United States, Andragogy mean adult learning or adult education, where in Europe is not related with an specific concept, however in Europe in 1970 was connected the word Andragogy with academic and professional institutions.

Some countries have been created institutions like in Yugoslavia; “Yugoslavian Society of Andragogy”. In Slovenian, “Andragogy Center Republike Slovenije”; as many other universities, no matter if is a capitalistic or communistic country, still everybody is trying to related all types of theories for reflexion, analysis, training, as well as human resources programs interests. In Korea, exist the Adult and Continuing Education documents as well as in Venezuela was created the Institute International de Andragogia. The roll of all these institutions, universities and organizations are the same, try to reunite adult professionals interesting in the development of training for adults learned.

The research of Andragogy, bring opportunities for those professionals and institutions interested in this subject. In 2002 Rachal, say about the “Empirical examinations of andragogy” tended to be inconclusive; perhaps he is calling for more research. The direction of andragogy could be clear to enhance the science of andragogy as: establish a more clears theoretical definition, develop a psychometrically sound measurement tool, and conduct criterion measurement studies.

In order to hit the right application of andragogy in the life of adults learning possible linked with two keys to practice, and these are: adapting andragogy to the varying conditions encountered in practice, and optimizing the application of andragogy in technology-mediated learning.

Adapting andragogy to different context, as per Malcolm stay would be rarely be applied in pure form, perhaps, the group of learners will require to make adjustments during the process to apply it in different ways. Andragogy and technology-mediated learning, is a great opportunity to develop adult learning. As Knowles said in 1989, technology is one of the major forces shaping adult learning in the twenty –first century.

The reason is the technology is presenting a vast field and opportunities to reach adults and providing adult with rich learning experiences in the andragogical tradition. An example of this situation is if an adult desire to be self-directed in their learning environment, using technology is the principal resource to do so. With computer, soft wares, and internet the adult environment could be in any place desired. The technology is an inherently media that enables adults to access the learning subject at any time, providing the adult with the full self-directed learning experience.

In the other hand, the technology brings well-developed computer-based instructions, which enables adults to tailor the learning experience to fit their prior experiences. And in a third example if the technology is properly designed the technology will be easy to help the learners tailoring their real world-problems using their natural work or life setting.

The challenge and opportunity to research is that in class rooms the facilitator can adapt the learning environment and techniques to the adult in training. But and adult in training as self-directed learning using internet per instance, will need to face the challenge of metacognitive skills, motivation, or confidence to engage in the required level of self-directed learning, as well as develop discipline to constantly schedule time for that particular training.

In conclusion, using information technology allow for andragogy adult learners the opportunity to set up the learning environment in their on time, setting up and controlling what they are learning as different of pedagogy where the learners follow an framework curriculum. In this instance, the adult learners must be prepared to learn as individual independent person. Malcolm Knowles suggest, a first step program planning model where the learners have to set up his/her own “Preparing the learners” environment to make sure the learner will be ready to capitalize using the technology opportunities and his/her skills in how to used to learn.

Rochelle Miller in the Spot Light

Having fun on Sunday.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Making a change

I said,

"You must be the change that you wish to see
in USA." Rochelle Alvarado-Miller, MBA

As Mahatma Ghandi said,

“You must be the change that you wish to see
in the world.”

Making a change in the economy, social-culture, politics, government one day at the time. The change start with you. Do not sit and watch the environment to critics, instead looks for a problem and error, but with the mentality to fix it and do it better. You are American, show your proud to rebuild USA as individuals from the smallest seeds grow biggest trees, so if you feel you are just a small seed, do a small thing around you, multiply by many of us, we will built a strong USA again and a big tree will grow with a lot of leaves, those leaves are all of us together than are part of the big tree.

Have a nice weekend, God Bless you and give you wisdom.
Rochelle Alvarado-Miller, MBA

Thursday, October 14, 2010

A leader must be ready to lead. Are you ready? "It is time to be a Global Leader"

I am proud to share this valuable information in my personal blog. After reading the author Tommy Weir analysis about the "Developing Leadership in Global Organization", I had to write a resume of this, but actually I get inspired to add my own thoughts about our current situations as leaders in different organizations including locally or in the education field.

Please, enjoy these reading and get ready to lead. Rochelle Miller, MBA (and current student in the Master in Science in Leadership Program in Training and Education at Texas A&M University)

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

In order to succeed in these days the individual career oriented must be willing to prepare with a mentality of “Global Organizations”. We barely can see few companies that are not get involved partially at least in doing business with an over seas country.

How we see a leader must be consistency with our times and generations. The confusion come in how we perceive the “what” and the “how” of a leadership. Is true per fact that exist many types of leaders where some are focus on task versus considerations, charisma, and transformation in comparison to tactical knowledge and strategy.

The roll of a leader and how it leading and the leadership development should be adaptable to a local taste, to a local community where the global corporation is doing business with. In example the author mention the Coca Cola case, as he said it show the same image every where with red color letters-graphics which is the “what” but the taste is locally adapted because part of the culture of that particular country, and this is the “how”.

A simple definition of leadership as “what and how a leader does to and for his or her followers to achieve a common goal”, this mean the ideals of “what leadership is” are universal but “how” one leads is not universal. It is true that we already have leaders, we have very capable managements, but a fact is that many global organizations are investment thousand of dollar in prepare and training leaders in executive education programs, is because the constant changes in economy, politics and socials factors impulse a continuing action for actualization in our current leaders.

We can observed that in the past decade many top ranking universities that have MBA programs “Masters in Business Administration” had been added as well Masters in Leaderships, or/and Masters in Executive Programs. These mean a lot, if you research what is the difference, many of these new programs target and focus some subjects or classes in Global Management, Global Marketing, Global Operations, and Global Logistic. Others Advances studies including Certifications in Global or Executive Programs where is not required to finish another Masters degree if you have one, but actualized with certifications in the global environment as executive top leader.

Some other corporations pay these advances studies, or have in house programs of leaderships where they contract college or private company to training their top leaders. These programs can help those in needed of refresher or simply because they can not pursue a formal degree program.

Their competitive advantage for these corporations is the brand reputation, history, and having the leading business thinkers as their faculty. By learning from the best you as leader or manager became the best.

The “New” workforce and leader environment force the concept of “success” in developing leaders to our actual global organizations this required a highest understanding from our HR staff that the new workforce is actually where the future leaders are coming from. The how to approach this new leaders or “global leaders” depends on the education based on cultural barriers and paradigms for those new executives that trying to get into the Global Market, they must be ready to learn a lot about over seas countries, cultures, religion, including world languages. Get involved from early years into the international news, and follow up the impact of the America Economy and the Global Economy and how tight are both in these days in relation in operations, logistics, global marketing and public relations, politics which is a very important fact perhaps if in case that a country that host an American global corporation have a problem or instable government this situation will repercude in the success of the operations of our branch in that country, creating a big impact in the ROI (return of investment) in that branch to our global organizations. All these must be interest for the new and future generation of executives. How well done are they training with Globalization? how much they know about international news, languages, religion and culture from others communities and countries around the world.

If the new young generation of leaders can not get ready with his/her education in globalization they will be training to be out of the work market. Like in these days we can observe the economy are moving many executives with out a job to back to school not only to pursuit another degree, finish a degree, or get highest education but as well as to learn another Languages. “Knowledge is power” this is an old well know quote, and is the true and reality we are facing in these days to get into the Global market jobs.

Developing leaders in this days, is not only a corporate responsibility for their actual leaders, but for our self as individuals if we want to deliver our self as marketable worker and compete in the “globalization work environment” we are living in today job market.

The how to lead with difference generations must be open a compass to adapt our self to any new generations of operations in business models. We need to keep self prepare and open minded to new styles, new social-economic-politic movement, all together as different generations from Baby Boomers, Gen X and Gen Y, and the future is for the Gen Z which are our current high school students, need to have a mentality to keep with education and training development program, other wise, they will be ready to fail.

It is a constant requirement for leaders to get involved in leadership development programs. For those that are not leaders yet, they must get involved and answer these questions: 1. Why do leaders learns?; 2. How do leaders learn?; 3. What do leaders need to learn?. These will create a background to start and get to into a grow up in their leadership capability.

Always keep focus in the organization future based on the operations, culture, globalization, politics, religion and economic factors. As a corporation leadership strategic must implement and increase the diversity of the global workforce. Yes, we know we already have leaders, but we need to keep these leaders with the lately instructions about all these facts mentioned and for those that aspiring to be leaders, they must be ready to get into global programs because “A leader must be ready to lead.” Are you ready?.

Weir Tommy. Developing Leadership in Global Organizations. Retrieved study article in Ch. 8 from KYLE, Lundby and JOLTON Jeffrey Editors. GOING GLOBAL. Practical Applications and Recommendations for HR and OD Professionals in the Global Workplace.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Hi Everyone's I am sending my best wishes and hope of success in your life.
Look always for another opportunity and another way to do things, your prosperity may
be around the corner... just keep trying, and if you have that, just enjoy it and share if you want :)

I AM infinite abundance
I AM infinite prosperity
I AM magnificence and excellence
I AM the flow of creativity
I AM a discoverer of my greatness
I AM committed to my success
I AM Free Right NOW To Be ME

It's your day...MAKE IT A GREAT ONE!

Retrieved from: Sensational Life Coaching in Facebook.

Friday, October 1, 2010

You Make A Difference

You Make A Difference

God works through you in every small act of kindness, and each encouraging word that brightens someone's day. Your encouragement reveals God's love to others. Encourage someone today with this message!

In this great big world, you make a difference.
I'm so thankful that one of the many live you've touched is mine. I pray God multiplies back to you the blessing you are,
many times over.

Rochelle Miller, MBA

Retrieved information from www.dayspring.com

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Sarah Connor - The Impossible Dream bei Nur Die Liebe Zählt

Dream the Impossible Dream

AFTER A BIG RAIN ALWAYS RISING THE SUN. In between, you can see a beautiful Rainbow.

We must fight 'till the end for our dreams... may, others, don't believe in us, probably because they want to force us to be like them... just ordinary people. But, who need them? when we just need us and God to impulse us to reach ...the start? the courage is coming from inside of us, from our own soul. That is why we are different and distinguished from others. We are special Birds, that special "Sea Gull", we flight high and scare others, and then they alienate us because they don't want us to be different than them.
But always remember through the History, just special one of us... just few special "Sea Gulls" have been creating and change the life of the rest of others.
The bad part to be different is that the winners always ending a lone. But with everything, and happy to live the life full making all our dreams come true.
Never, Never give your dream it up!!! Keep Dream it.



Saturday, September 4, 2010

The Wisdom of Napoleon Hill

To view Video of Napoleon Hill just click at below link, you will enjoy a selection of quotes from him:


I hope you can put those quotes into your life and build a strong mental person focus in success.

Friday, September 3, 2010


If: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Is Equal to: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

Slide 3
Hard Work
8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = 98%

Slide 3
11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5 = 96%

Slide 4
12+15+22+5 = 54%

Slide 4
12+21+3+11 = 47%

Slide 4
( don't most of us think this is the most important ??? )

Slide 5
Then what makes 100% ?
Slide 5
Is it Money ? ... NO ! ! !
13+15+14+5+25 = 72%

Slide 5
Leadership ? ... NO ! ! !
12+5+1+4+5+18+19+9+16 = 89%

Slide 6
Every problem has a solution, only if we perhaps change our attitude.
To go to the top,
to that 100%,
what we really need to go further... a bit more...

Slide 7
A+T+T+I+T+U+D+E 1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100%

Slide 7
It is OUR ATTITUDE towards Life and Work that makes OUR Life 100% ! ! !


Slide 8
Change Your Attitude …
Slide 8
And You Change Your Life ! ! !

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Quote of the Day

A man's real life is that accorded to him in the thoughts of other men by reason of respect or natural love.

Joseph Conrad (1857-1924)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Oak and The Willow

There is an old fable in which the mighty oak tree which stood for over one hundred years finally was blown over a storm. The tree feel into a river that floated it downstream until it came to rest among the reeds growing along the riverbank. The fallen giant asked the reeds in amazement, "How is it that you were able to weather the storm that was too powerful for me, an oak tree, to withstand?"

The reeds replied, "All these years you stubbornly resisted the winds that swept your way. You took such pride in your strength that you refused to yield, even a little bit. We on the other hand, have not resisted the winds, but have always bent with them. We recognized the superior power of the wind and so, the harder the wind blew the more we humbled ourselves before it."
- - - Unknown - - -

"This is a great message in these days, months and years that many people are facing storms in their personal life. We must not resist but go with the wind. Sometimes you will find the succeed path again if we let go what we stand for so proud. We will rise again and after big storm and long night, a beautiful day will come and a bright sun will arrive." Rochelle Alvarado-Miller, MBA

Sunday, April 25, 2010

A Few Thoughts About Spring Time:

Following the turbulence of winter comes the season of activity and growth and opportunity called spring. It is the season for entering the fertile fields of life with seed, knowledge, commitment, and a determined effort. It is not a time to linger, nor to ponder the possibilities of failure. Foolish is the one who would allow springtime to pass while dwelling upon the memory of the successful crop last fall or the failure to reap last fall in spite of the massive efforts of last spring.

It is a natural characteristic of springtime to present itself ever so briefly or to lull us into inactivity with its bounteous beauty. Do not pause too long to soak in the in the aroma of the blossoming flowers, least you awaken to find springtime gone, with your seed still in your sack.

Remember: In order to reap the harvest, you must plant the seed (and lost of it!)

Enjoy your Spring Season, Rochelle Miller, MBA