Sunday, November 28, 2010

A reflection tough in Global & Personal Economy

I am reading this weekend a bunch of books in Global Economy and Globalization in General.

Open this book "From Third World to World Class" just reading the first page that my fingers toke, and find out this interesting though to think about it. We can apply this to our personal life, personal economy and work on it.

"From the earliest time of which we have record - back, say, to two thousand years before Christ - down to the beginning of the 18th century, there was no very great change in the standard life of the average man living in civilised centres of the earth. Ups and downs certainly. Visitation of plague, famine, and war. Golden intervals. But no progressive, violent change.... This slow rate of progress, or lack of progress, was due to two reasons - to the remarkable absence of technical improvements and to the failure of capital to accumulate."
John Maynard Keynes
Essays in Persuasion (1930)

My toughs on this post is that the major point are two things: technical advance meaning we need to be upgrading our style to do a particular job, work or in our personal life too, by improving our standards of life, as well as, we must have the principle and practice of accumulation of capital, in personal finance will be the improve or create a sense of discipline for save money.

This is my reflection for this week.

Have a great and success week.

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