Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Critical Thinking: the key for free and independent life

My thoughts about this video bring me to write about the following fact:

I have been always concerned about the sur-plus and over population of poor people around the world, specially in Africa. I believe that education is the solution to the poor or at least help some how them to have a better life. This is the reason why I didn't like to give money for those over seas none profit organizations with purpose to give a plate of food, instead I am pro-education. These peoples in poverty situation around the world need to be teach to support them selves, to work around their resources, to plant their own food, and to fishing their own fish.

This is a way to sabotage these poor peoples to have their own ideas by brainstorming and to create their own economic system, re-engineering their government and style of life.

We need to teaching them skills to survive for themselves. Not by provide them with food and clothing for free when we work hard hours, they get everything easily and free they are going to get the lesson. We are going to be slaves of the poor around the world? Who create this problem? Not successful prof of these none profit organizations for over 30 years have been cut the poverty problem around the world. Instead, if more children are born in poverty every day. The ignorance is making them selves even more poor, the lack of knowledge about economy and cost of life make them be reproduce on poor family over 5 kids when one rich family may have only 1 or 2 kids.

What is the responsibility of us to work for them? I like to help but refuse to help unconcern people that they think they have the right to bring more children in poor conditions and around a sick environment. The Global World is going to be over populated by these people not healthy and they will point in the government and the educated people about their own decisions and situations. The government around the world must regulate that a poor family can only have certain quantity of children 1 or 2 or none depending of their economical situations. Poor men must be operated to do not reproduce more children, because the excuse is that they don't have money to pay for Anti conceptive pills or injections, perhaps the government should operate them for free.

If these none-profit organizations didn't teach them to go fishing their own fish and plant their own food, we will see these poor demographic people grow more and more over populating the world creating a big economical, sociological and political crisis.

The solution is education and government control of reproduction of poor people by free Anti conceptive by provide them with free operations for men first then women. Instead of free food and clothing that is not prove of solution of any problem in over 30 years. Just increase the over population of poor people we don't go anywhere. The governments around the world must create a effective solution by provide the poor with free medical treatment to reduce the reproduction of their poor families. Again, when a poor family have sometimes even 10 children a rich family will have 1 or 2. Making these rich families work and be slaves for the poor because later on these children will point in the richest the fault of them to be poor and accusing the richest and the governments of their own poor situations.

Education is the solution by teaching them basic economics that can clear them the reason why they keep going increasing their lack of good life situation is not lack of opportunities is many people in one household to feed, to dress, is less resources economics to divided make them poor. But, if the government take control about their reproduction by economic factor in how many children they can provide with food, shelter and clothing, they will be allow to obtain free medical treatment to stop reproducing more children starting with men, and I say that because those men have children with not one women but with many women. By multiplying one man reproducing 5 women and these women have 10 poor children in 30 years or less the Global economic will have a big human war because these children in the middle of their ignorance will create gangs groups, possible terrorist groups and point in the educate population of their situation.

This is my critical thinking about the reproductive in mass of poor people around the world, that is a real problem that must be addressed at the United Nations.

The Governments must create a Global organization or institution for the population control. I believe this will create a better life for them and for everybody. Less people to feed, more resources for them to get a better education per capital per family.

Rochelle Miller, MBA

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