Thursday, October 14, 2010

A leader must be ready to lead. Are you ready? "It is time to be a Global Leader"

I am proud to share this valuable information in my personal blog. After reading the author Tommy Weir analysis about the "Developing Leadership in Global Organization", I had to write a resume of this, but actually I get inspired to add my own thoughts about our current situations as leaders in different organizations including locally or in the education field.

Please, enjoy these reading and get ready to lead. Rochelle Miller, MBA (and current student in the Master in Science in Leadership Program in Training and Education at Texas A&M University)

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In order to succeed in these days the individual career oriented must be willing to prepare with a mentality of “Global Organizations”. We barely can see few companies that are not get involved partially at least in doing business with an over seas country.

How we see a leader must be consistency with our times and generations. The confusion come in how we perceive the “what” and the “how” of a leadership. Is true per fact that exist many types of leaders where some are focus on task versus considerations, charisma, and transformation in comparison to tactical knowledge and strategy.

The roll of a leader and how it leading and the leadership development should be adaptable to a local taste, to a local community where the global corporation is doing business with. In example the author mention the Coca Cola case, as he said it show the same image every where with red color letters-graphics which is the “what” but the taste is locally adapted because part of the culture of that particular country, and this is the “how”.

A simple definition of leadership as “what and how a leader does to and for his or her followers to achieve a common goal”, this mean the ideals of “what leadership is” are universal but “how” one leads is not universal. It is true that we already have leaders, we have very capable managements, but a fact is that many global organizations are investment thousand of dollar in prepare and training leaders in executive education programs, is because the constant changes in economy, politics and socials factors impulse a continuing action for actualization in our current leaders.

We can observed that in the past decade many top ranking universities that have MBA programs “Masters in Business Administration” had been added as well Masters in Leaderships, or/and Masters in Executive Programs. These mean a lot, if you research what is the difference, many of these new programs target and focus some subjects or classes in Global Management, Global Marketing, Global Operations, and Global Logistic. Others Advances studies including Certifications in Global or Executive Programs where is not required to finish another Masters degree if you have one, but actualized with certifications in the global environment as executive top leader.

Some other corporations pay these advances studies, or have in house programs of leaderships where they contract college or private company to training their top leaders. These programs can help those in needed of refresher or simply because they can not pursue a formal degree program.

Their competitive advantage for these corporations is the brand reputation, history, and having the leading business thinkers as their faculty. By learning from the best you as leader or manager became the best.

The “New” workforce and leader environment force the concept of “success” in developing leaders to our actual global organizations this required a highest understanding from our HR staff that the new workforce is actually where the future leaders are coming from. The how to approach this new leaders or “global leaders” depends on the education based on cultural barriers and paradigms for those new executives that trying to get into the Global Market, they must be ready to learn a lot about over seas countries, cultures, religion, including world languages. Get involved from early years into the international news, and follow up the impact of the America Economy and the Global Economy and how tight are both in these days in relation in operations, logistics, global marketing and public relations, politics which is a very important fact perhaps if in case that a country that host an American global corporation have a problem or instable government this situation will repercude in the success of the operations of our branch in that country, creating a big impact in the ROI (return of investment) in that branch to our global organizations. All these must be interest for the new and future generation of executives. How well done are they training with Globalization? how much they know about international news, languages, religion and culture from others communities and countries around the world.

If the new young generation of leaders can not get ready with his/her education in globalization they will be training to be out of the work market. Like in these days we can observe the economy are moving many executives with out a job to back to school not only to pursuit another degree, finish a degree, or get highest education but as well as to learn another Languages. “Knowledge is power” this is an old well know quote, and is the true and reality we are facing in these days to get into the Global market jobs.

Developing leaders in this days, is not only a corporate responsibility for their actual leaders, but for our self as individuals if we want to deliver our self as marketable worker and compete in the “globalization work environment” we are living in today job market.

The how to lead with difference generations must be open a compass to adapt our self to any new generations of operations in business models. We need to keep self prepare and open minded to new styles, new social-economic-politic movement, all together as different generations from Baby Boomers, Gen X and Gen Y, and the future is for the Gen Z which are our current high school students, need to have a mentality to keep with education and training development program, other wise, they will be ready to fail.

It is a constant requirement for leaders to get involved in leadership development programs. For those that are not leaders yet, they must get involved and answer these questions: 1. Why do leaders learns?; 2. How do leaders learn?; 3. What do leaders need to learn?. These will create a background to start and get to into a grow up in their leadership capability.

Always keep focus in the organization future based on the operations, culture, globalization, politics, religion and economic factors. As a corporation leadership strategic must implement and increase the diversity of the global workforce. Yes, we know we already have leaders, but we need to keep these leaders with the lately instructions about all these facts mentioned and for those that aspiring to be leaders, they must be ready to get into global programs because “A leader must be ready to lead.” Are you ready?.

Weir Tommy. Developing Leadership in Global Organizations. Retrieved study article in Ch. 8 from KYLE, Lundby and JOLTON Jeffrey Editors. GOING GLOBAL. Practical Applications and Recommendations for HR and OD Professionals in the Global Workplace.

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