Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Oak and The Willow

There is an old fable in which the mighty oak tree which stood for over one hundred years finally was blown over a storm. The tree feel into a river that floated it downstream until it came to rest among the reeds growing along the riverbank. The fallen giant asked the reeds in amazement, "How is it that you were able to weather the storm that was too powerful for me, an oak tree, to withstand?"

The reeds replied, "All these years you stubbornly resisted the winds that swept your way. You took such pride in your strength that you refused to yield, even a little bit. We on the other hand, have not resisted the winds, but have always bent with them. We recognized the superior power of the wind and so, the harder the wind blew the more we humbled ourselves before it."
- - - Unknown - - -

"This is a great message in these days, months and years that many people are facing storms in their personal life. We must not resist but go with the wind. Sometimes you will find the succeed path again if we let go what we stand for so proud. We will rise again and after big storm and long night, a beautiful day will come and a bright sun will arrive." Rochelle Alvarado-Miller, MBA


  1. Life is how we react and face our daily storms. Personal, emotional, economical, professional and romantically. I recommend to read the Book: Who Moved my Cheese by Dr. Spencer Johnson. In these days that many people are loosing job, you must need to think quickly and find another way to get the cheese again. I been there done that successfully. I lost my Bank job in December and immediately plan for next year goals. 1. Get a part time job so I did it with Department of Commerce US Federal Gov. 2. Studied some kind of certifications that will help me again to succeed, so I enrolled in two certifications: Accounting @ University of Texas at Arlington, and Spanish Teacher at ECAP private school, where I know I will get a job in both fields because I love both. But above everything, I love teach the most. I love read, I have passion for education, I like people to succeed, I like to be a mentor and a couch, and I like to write positive thinking ideas to motivate others, so I choose to obtain a job in the education field, and guess what, finishing my classes, I get a job next following week. This is desired, now I am even better than working in finance and banking, I do something that I am really good at and I like to do, pushing others to succeeds, because we all can.
    Rochelle Alvarado-Miller, MBA

    Below is the link of web site of this great book:
    Official site of the #1 book on change, by Dr. Spencer Johnson

  2. Hello People it is a beautiful Sunday in Texas, today is August 22, 2010 and I am sending blessing and Happy Birthday to two family members, my dear brother Lic. Jorge E. Alvarado E. Attorney at Law, and my nephew Juan B. Alvarado P. Jr.
    Happy Birthday and enjoy your birthday in Panama with friends and family members.

    Always be positive... is the only way we can stand up for today and for tomorrow and for the future.
