Monday, May 9, 2011

Ne bis in ídem

Latins Proverbs "In regard with the Law":
  • Ne bis in ídem: ‘no dos veces en lo mismo’. Principio jurídico por el que no se puede juzgar dos veces a la misma persona por los mismos hechos.
  • In English: “not twice in the same thing” Meaning: A legal principle forbidding double jeopardy.

  • Necéssitas non habet legem: ‘la necesidad carece de ley’. En situaciones extremas pueden ser lícitas actuaciones reprobables.
  • In English: "The necessity do not have law"

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Nothing but the best is good enough for me!! Rochelle - WOW ♥

Frank Sinatra - Nothing but the best

Rochelle's live theme: I did in my way. Yes, I did!!

“I did what I had to do, and saw it through without exemption.”
“I faced it all and I stood tall; and I did it my way”
“To think I did all that; and may I say – not in a shy way,
Oh no, oh no not me, I did it my way”.
“The record shows I took the blows – And did it my way!”
These are my strong favorite lines in this song, very motivational.
Enjoy it!!

Frank Sinatra - My Way song

Monday, January 24, 2011

We are what we plant

We are what we plant, as a seed we will get in return the fruit of what we plant.
Success of failure, love or hate, we must plant the best we will get in return.
Then we will have a great fruits.

Please, don't let to watch this video. A thought one.

I hope you enjoy this wisdom video and plant a good seed in your live.

Book: The Strangest Secret
Author: Earl Nightingale

Friday, January 14, 2011

T.G.I.F. Thank God I am Fabulous, Rochelle

Wishing you a great, so great Weekend ;-)

Snowing in Arlington, Texas. February 2010.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year 2011 on 1.1.11

Wishing all my best desires to your success, health, money, love, and family and friendship union. Happy New Year.
Love always,