Friday, November 30, 2012

Friday, November 30, 2012

Posting this video of Zig Ziglar, recently he pass away at 86 years old.
I read the book Over the Top in Panama in July 1999, I was so motivated with this book that I did open doors, and was really successful for the next three years. I am thinking to read it again.

Hope you can enjoy listening this video about Setting your goals

You can read more about Zig Ziglar at:
Zig Ziglar web site
Success online magazine:

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Guidelines to Designing an Active Training Program

Sharing one of my final projects of Master of Science in Training and Development at Texas A&M University-Commerce.
Spring 2012

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Setting your goals for a better life for you

Wednesday January 11, 2012

What are your goals? Do you have one?

Everybody must have at least one goal.

Something to do, please; do not say no.

Look at your self… or your home, car, inside of your home? Hmmm closet to clean out,

paint a wall, fix a furniture; anything to be better and to live better must be in your goal list. Perhaps, your life start changing by little things you start changing in your life.

Now, that makes a life live well.

But, you can improve your economy as well.

How? Plan, setting a goal, or goals, and those must be challenging, you have to keep a list and tracking them, to feel happy for your accomplishment every day, every week and every month through the entire year.

Improve savings, or low debts, either one are for your good.

When you write your goal list, those must be flexible and with imagination.

I do recommend write the list title with pen, and the list with pencil.

Why pencil? Because, that will remains you the constant change in your life, the goal can be adjust so you can delete part of the one you wrote and add, or re-arrangement the list.

You are your own future. Build up with creativity and imagination.

I am wishing good luck with your plan and goals.

Happy New Year and be Success in 2012



A message from my Crystal Ball

January 11, 2012

Hi Friends and Family members... a message from my Crystal Ball
"The best way to predict your future is to create it." - Anonymous

What are you doing to create a new you, a better you, and/or re-invent yourself. You can be always better than you are today. What you want... make a list, make a plan, focus in your desires or dreams and building up to the top.
Your future is in your hands. You decide how you life your life, not others. Nobody can control your own destiny but you.
Follow your dreams. And give me a favor.... please "DREAM".
No matter your religion; Dream is the genesis or the Alfa of everything, the principles... God create the World, we are as equal as creative as God; perhaps God dreams us, he created us, we dream something and we create that.
Create your own destiny; it is in your hands.