Sunday, November 22, 2009

Rochelle Miller "Attributes of Successful People"

1. They have a sense of urgency (dated goals)
2. They are very goal oriented.
3. They have excellent product, industry, and company knowledge (are you outstanding in your field or just out standing in a field)
4. They are highly focused.
5. They have effective listening ability. (If we listen, people will tell you what motivates them to buy, take action, etc...)
6. They have a positive outlook and attitude.
7. They are honest.
8. They are creative.
9. They have excellent time management skills. In other words, they respect time.
10. They love winning and they hate to lose.
11. They solve problems.
12. They take care of body, mind, and spirit. (They all work together you know)
13. They are always trying to grow and learn.
14. They know that excellence is not optional.